Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2012 Fall Photography Mini-Session Schedule

It’s time! The 2012 Fall Photography Mini-Sessions have been scheduled!

I am offering 30 minute photography sessions. You get 10 edited photos in color, black & white and sepia. All for a small price of $50. If you decided you want to own all edited AND unedited photos, it’s just an additional $10. Imagine… 30 minutes, no meltdowns, a happy husband and AWESOME family photos! HECK YEAH!

October 20th at the Train Depot
Time Slots:

November 3rd at Kathryn Albertson Park
Time Slots:

If you want to sign up for a regular session, it’s $100 for 20 edited photos.

I always urge my clients to sign up as soon as possible. It is easier for me to plan my own personal schedule when I know what’s happening with my photography schedule. Plus, I fill up really fast!

E-mail me:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Did you all wonder if I died at childbirth? Ha ha?!

Well... Here I am. Still ticking! Still busy as ever with my adorable little one. His name is Jake Scott Davenport and I LOVE this little guy to pieces! I've never been so in love with such a little creature. He has grown so fast and I am cherishing every stinking minute with him... even the for real stinky ones! Here is a photo of my little guy!

Any-whoo... Let's talk about photography!

You might have noticed my photography website is down. It's because the hosting website (bla bla bla) decided to abandon it's position and start a different hosting website which is an upgrade, but left us without any warning our website was taken down. Nice right? So, we're currently trying to get my new one up and running. I promise it will look better than it ever has.

In the mean time, I am still taking photos. In fact... check out the awesome senior photo I took this last weekend. There will be more to come!

In a past post, I made note that my fees were going to go up. I decided to hold off on that. So, currently my fees are still $100 per session, $25 for unedited photos. If mini-session are offered, they are going to be $50 and $10 for unedited. I will send an e-mail with dates I'm offering mini-sessions for the fall/Christmas season.

Please call me or e-mail me if you want to schedule an appointment! My phone number is the same (although, I won't lie, I have a tendency to leave my phone dead for days at a time. Not on purpose, but because I forget about it... not very responsible, but these days, I'm easily distracted). 

Phone number: 922-8070

If you have any questions, thoughts, suggestions... please let me know!

LOvE you all!!!!