Friday, April 15, 2011

Two Cute Boys

My awesome friend Michelle from work asked me to take some photos of her two little guys. Collin is the big brother to little Louie. Both are smashingly handsome little guys. We met up at the Train Depot and took some fun photos. This is my second time taking their photos. Louie was MUCH smaller then, I can't believe how much he's grown. I sure do adore that smile. And Collin was a hoot while he played with that Tonka truck. Such cute brothers.

Lets just talk about how they are styled so PERFECTLY. Michelle, their mom has amazing taste. She cracks me up. Those boys were in some serious layers and they were looking good. I mean, who knew you could accessorize boys. I love it! I need her to come to all my shoots with me and make all the little boys I take pictures of look like little Ralph Loren models. Michelle, you've got some serious taste!

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