Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is my little man!

Actually... he's my nephew. My only nephew! His name is J. Not Jay... just J. He's my little buddy! Right now he's going through a clingy Aunt Christy phase...I'm not complaining! I think he clings to me because I try so hard to entertain him. I'm always so exhausted when he has to go home. That has to be it! He's already walking at 9 months... he's a handful!!! His new thing is to point at things. It's so funny how he'll point to my dog, and then to the clock and then to his Elmo... He's so funny! As much as I see him, I just don't ever get a chance to take his pictures. I know that sounds totally lame, but it's true. A few weeks ago, I went and bought him a new outfit and sat him outside and finally shot some more photos. Here's one of the best ones!!!!
I love his little teeth!!!!

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