Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This is my nephew J. I try to get as many pictures of him as possible...but for some reason, when I have the opportunity to take them, he isn't into it. My brother Scott works at BSU in the Athletics department so BSU pride is huge in our family. When my sister-in-law Anya was pregnant with J my mom and I found these adorable little BSU onesies. WE HAD TO GET THEM! J's nursery is even BSU! You should see the crib stuff and curtains Anya made for him. Lets just say, you would be impressed! So, back to the pictures.... I babysat J one day and asked my brother to bring over his BSU stuff and this is the best shot I got. There will be more to come... I've got some fun ideas! Hope J likes blue turf!

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