Thursday, April 7, 2011

Match Made in Heaven

Just recently my husband and I took my in-laws to the Provo MTC. They're serving a couple's mission in Spain. We are so happy for them! While down in Provo, I was FINALLY able to meet some of my husband's nephews and nieces. They weren't all at our wedding and as long as I've known Dave, we just never got the chance to meet. Weird, huh? Since we were down in the Salt Lake area, we made it happen!

This is Kyle, Dave's nephew and Kyle's fiancé Rachel. Kyle and Rachel were AWESOME! In fact, I want them to be our new best friends! I loved hanging out with them. We had such a great time and we able to really get to know each other. It was great! Kyle and Rachel are getting married in June and since we were down, they put us to work! They are such a gorgeous couple and I feel so lucky to have them!!!

Congratulations Kyle and Rachel!

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