Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big...NO... HUGE Update!

I've been one super busy little photographer! So busy I haven't had a chance to update my blog! Sad huh! Well, I decided to do one HUGE blog update. One picture from each session... (it's hard to choose just one photo!!!) I hope you enjoy and to all of you who are involved in this update: Thank you so much! I appreciate you all!!!!

If you are interested in a holiday session, November 28th I will have a set up with a Christmas tree and fire place. ONE DAY ONLY though!!!! I will have a 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00 session available! I know what you're thinking.... ONLY 3 open sessions??!!!! Really?! I'm afraid so! If you want an appointment, don't wait!!! Schedule now!!!
Oh, and if you live in Twin Falls, I'll be traveling down there November 21st. If you are interested in setting up a session, let me know!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall and Halloween Costume Mini Sessions!

It's getting closer and closer to the Halloween Mini Session day.... It's October 24th and I still have appointments open. I decided to turn it into a Halloween Costume and Family Fall Mini Session day! If you are dying to have your family pictures taken but don't want to make too much of a day out of it and you just need a few photos.... the mini session is for you!!!!
I am still running half hour sessions beginning at 10:oo a.m. and will go until 5:30. The sessions will be held at Kathryn Albertson Park in Boise. The trees are turning colors and they are amazing!!! The perfect backdrop! The price is still $35 for the session and your photos will come on a cd along with granted copyrights. Let me know if you want to schedule an appointment. My e-mail address is or you can call me at 922-8070. Can't wait to hear from you!!!
Here are a few fun photos for an example!!!

Nathan, Becky and Tyler

I LOVE THIS SESSION!!! I had the greatest time with Nathan, Becky and Tyler. First of all Tyler is to die for, second, the colors are just barley turning and it provided such a nice backdrop. Fall truly is turning into one of my favorite times of the year! P.S. I loved that we had to take some pictures of everyone in their BSU....SO FUN!!!

Carrie's Family

Carrie is AWESOME! She has spread the word and has got me so much business.... this was a "Thank You" session. It something I offer this session to all my clients. If you refer three people to me, you receive a session for free. I hope she enjoys her pictures and THANK YOU again Carrie!

Batteen's New Little One...

This is the Batteens. I've known Lindsey for a LONG time and was so excited when she called me and asked me to come out and take some photos for her. She has a brand new little one named Riley. She's only 5 weeks and so cute!! Here are a few photos from that session! Congratulations Lindsey!

1 Year Old Ava!

I can't believe Ava is ONE!!! Here are some fun pictures we took. Keep in mind, it was early and poor little Ava isn't much of a morning person. We did our best but lets face it, Ava is too cute! She always gets away with adorable photos!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween Costume Mini Sessions

Christy Davis Photography presents:

Halloween Costume Mini Sessions
October 24th. The sessions are a half hour long and will begin at 10:00 and will end at 5:30.

I'll set up a spot at Kathryn Albertson Park, something spooky... cobwebs, pumpkins everywhere, and I'm even bringing my mom dressed up as a witch to pose with the princesses in a few shots. I've got some fun ideas!!!

The sessions are only $35. There isn't a limitation to age or how many kids you want in a session....

The session includes: 10 edited photos on a cd with granted copyrights.

I'll have all the props, candy and everything needed! Just bring your little ones dressed up in their fun costumes!!

Please e-mail at or call me at 208-922-8070 if you are interested in booking a session. If I fill up my schedule quickly, I'll open October 31st up for more appointments!

I can't wait to hear from you!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is my little man!

Actually... he's my nephew. My only nephew! His name is J. Not Jay... just J. He's my little buddy! Right now he's going through a clingy Aunt Christy phase...I'm not complaining! I think he clings to me because I try so hard to entertain him. I'm always so exhausted when he has to go home. That has to be it! He's already walking at 9 months... he's a handful!!! His new thing is to point at things. It's so funny how he'll point to my dog, and then to the clock and then to his Elmo... He's so funny! As much as I see him, I just don't ever get a chance to take his pictures. I know that sounds totally lame, but it's true. A few weeks ago, I went and bought him a new outfit and sat him outside and finally shot some more photos. Here's one of the best ones!!!!
I love his little teeth!!!!

Val & Joe

This is Val... and her fiance' Joe. I met Val through my friend Ashlie. Val asked me to take some pictures of her and Joe at the green belt and Tablerock. I've never done sunset photos, but they had to have them since Joe proposed during a sunset up on Tablerock. I think they turned out amazing! I was so excited about these pictures! I think they turned out so fun and I really hope Val and Joe like them!

Big Family Photos!!!

This is Jan ane her amazing family. This was literally the fastest big family shoot I've ever had. 45 minutes. That was it! They were so organized and we had so much fun. Check everyone out! You can tell we had fun!!!

Angie's Family

This is Angie's family. Angie works with my best friend Cherish. Angie called me up and we ended up taking pictures at the Train Depot. Angie's family was so fun! They were up for anything and they had such awesome attitudes. I loved the blue and orange shirts! We're HUGE BSU fans so anyone who wants a BSU photo shoot.... You're on!!!! I hope everyone liked the pictures! I had a blast taking them!!!! Oh, by the way..... I hope Disney Land was fun Angie!!!


This is my cousin Shellsie! She's a beautiful little new mama! I haven't seen the new baby, but luckily had the chance to take a few pictures of her while she was still pregnant. Her boyfriend jumped in a few shots too... I'm so happy for you Shellsie and pray you are loving being a mommy!


McKenzie is my best friend Cherish's baby. She's the cutes thing and I am always so excited when Cherish calls me to ask me to take photos. Kenzie is fun to try things out on. I've know Cherish since I was 14 and we've been best friends ever since. We've been on double dates, I was in her wedding, we were college roommates. We've always been a part of each other's lives and it's always so fun for me to continue to part of her life and her family's life also. I hope McKenzie grows up knowing me as Auntie Krazy Christy. I hope to always be in her life!!!