Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is Descher... Tanya Deschler... I like to call her Desch! I met Tanya when we were serving our missions in Detroit Michigan. That was a long time ago! Lets not talk about how long ago that was! Desch was my "greeny" on the mission... My "daughter"... (Mission Lingo is the best!)... I was little miss Sister Deschler's trainer. We served in Ann Arbor Michigan on the University of Michigan campus. We had the greatest time ever! She is still one of my best friends and I adore her!

Desch is from New Jersey, but her sister Christina moved here to Meridian. Last week Desch and the rest of the Desch's (except for Papa Desch) came for a visit. I went and took some fun photos of the troops! Or should I say team?

Seeing that the Deschlers are from New Jersey and I know a few of them work in the city, they are all HUGE Yankee fans. They have season tickets... I even received a pink Yankee's hat from them while we were on the mission! They are true fans! I've never seen anything like it!

By the way, thank you Christina for the cute group shot ideas! You are brilliant!
This is Bonnie. My very best friend. I met her when I was 11 years old. I was friends with her older sister first, but somehow, she captivated my heart and 17 years later, we are staying strong! I visited Bonnie and her family a few weeks ago. I took some fun family photos...
They are all such pretty people... don't you think!?...

This is Kyle and Jack. They are the cutest little guys I've ever seen. I love the smile on Kyle's face. He is so funny!
I know this is was one of Bonnie's favorites! All her boys in one little picture.... She loves her boys!I loved taking your boy's photos Bon! You guys look so happy and I wish you all the best!
(Oh and by the way, I'm still friends with Bonnie's older sister Amy... I'm waiting to take her photos! Come on Amy... Lets get to it!)
I've always been interested in photography. I've always been a creative person. So, last year, I bought a camera, and just went for it. I LOVED IT! I found my calling! I slowly started practicing on friends and before you knew it, I was a photo-taking maniac! I looked for any excuse to take photos. I became obsessed about the camera itself and creating my very own photography style.

I absolutely love it when a photo speaks an emotion. I love it when you can see the love in people's relationships and the true joy in someones eyes. I'm always so intrigued with individual personalities. Everyone has something different to bring to the table and I like being the person who captures that.

To all those I stalk and take photos of, the ones who open their homes and rearrange schedules, thank you for helping me find myself through this creative expression. Thank you for forgiving my blurs and join me in the excitement of getting better everyday. I hope to take a million more photos of you and I hope to take lots of pictures of new faces, new personalities, new families and new romances.

I hope to see you all soon!
