Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's a Small World

This is the Kluksdals. I met them through an attorney I work with. They have two adorable little girls and they were just awesome to work with. Their three year old Bailey... She's so funny! I had her "pop her hip" and look how adorable she looks! I thought she was hilarious! It didn't take long for her to warm up to me! LOL... Too awesome!!!!

So after we sent the Kluksdals their photos, Kellie and I became friends on Facebook. She saw my profile photo which is a photo of my hubby and me and come to find out, she knew my husband in High School. They totally graduated together and everything. He edited their photos and didn't even recognize her due to a hair color change. I thought that was so funny! Dave is usually very observant, so I thought it was hilarious he didn't recognize her. When I mentioned it to him, he said, "I knew she looked familiar! Her hair threw me off!"... LOL... It's such a small world!!!!

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