Friday, July 15, 2011

Fall Photography... schedule now!

Hello One and All...

Well, Christy Davis Photography has big news that is going to affect our fall photography this year! My husband and I are proud to announce we will be welcoming a sweet little baby boy into our family this December. He's due on Christmas day, which means two things: 1. I've got to get my Christmas shopping done early this year and 2. I'm going to be one tired little mama this fall. (check him out!!!!)

In previous years, I was easily taking 7 sessions in a weekend... but this year, I'm cutting it down to half! That means, you gotta schedule your appointment early this year! I have to cut back or else I'll be showing up to your appointment with my husband pulling me around in a wagon! LOL... he offered, but I respectfully declined!

So, in an attempt to keep myself from the "wagon", I'm setting up mini-sessions early this year. I have one weekend in September, October and November set aside for my Mini-session regulars and any newbies. The dates are as follows:

September 17, which will be taken at the Train Depot

October 22, Kathryn Albertson

and November 5th, again at Kathryn Albertson.

If you want to schedule a regular session, please let me know as soon as you can. The sooner the better. The sooner I know, the less likely I'll be slammed the last few weekends. I wanted to let everyone know early enough so I don't have to turn anyone down. My last available time for photos will be November 19th, and then I'll be done for the year. I won't be taking any towards the end of November or in December.

Thanks for being so understanding! If you have any questions, or if you want to schedule an appointment, please contact me at or call/text me at 208-922-8070.

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