Friday, November 11, 2011

Two Openings

I just had two openings open up... Please contact me immediately if you or someone you know are interested! Thanks everyone!!!

Gift Certificates

Hi everyone!!!!

I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween and are looking forward to the fun holiday's coming up. This year is especially exciting since we're having our baby right before Christmas and we're getting everything ready for him... and Christmas! Plus... my husband and I are addicted to the ornaments at Hobby Lobby. We don't leave that place unless we've got at least eight new ornaments... Our tree should be especially festive this year!!!!

I wanted to let everyone know I have gift certificates available this holiday season. Starting 2012, my prices will go up. (I know, I know... such a bummer!). Every year I get busier and busier and add a full time job and now a baby on top of that... my eyes could go cross-eyed just thinking about it.

My new prices will change as follows:

A regular session will start at $135 & Mini Session (when offered) will start at $85.

I'm trying to let everyone know this in advance, in case you want to buy any gift certificates to use next year, BUT at this year's price!

This year's price is currently $100 for a full session and $50 for a mini session. Please let me know if you're interested. I can mail them to you or whatever... Just let me know!

Thanks so much and Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall 2011 Schedule

It's official!!!!! My schedule for Fall of 2011 is now booked. Thanks to all my awesome clients for helping me fill my schedule early this year, seeing my "Bun in the Oven" is growing and making me more uncomfortable by the minute! Seriously... thank you so much for your support, your loyalty and business. Each year I look forward to seeing each of my clients and turning them into friends.

Dave and I are ECSTATIC to start our new chapter in our life with our new little guy. What a gift he is, considering he's due on Christmas day. Funny how things like that happen!!! We look forward to scheduling appointments with you in the spring. (You won't mind my husband tagging along with a stroller or wagon will ya?) Ha!

If you are dying to get an appointment this fall and wasn't able to, go ahead and send me an e-mail. I can't promise anything because I'm trying to set myself some boundaries, but of course will always help my clients and friends in a time of need and I will do my best to shuffle my schedule around, but as of now, I am booked! However, as the weather permits, I'll open myself up to photography sessions around the end of February.

Thanks everyone!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lots of New Pictures

I know it's been a long time since I've updated my little'ole blog! What can I say, I'm a busy girl. Between working my full time job and balancing photography... Oh and pregnancy, my poor blog just falls to the waste side.
This year we've done quite a few weddings. Below you'll see some pretty fun shots. I wish I could show them all but I'd be here forever! We've also taken a lot of family photos. As you can see, we've used a lot of fun props (hats, ties and CARS) which was so fun! I love changing things up... so if you have ideas, please don't hesitate to bring stuff to our appointments.
Because of my pregnancy, I've asked all my clients to make their yearly-fall photos appointments early this year. I can't thank you enough for helping me out with that. My schedule is pretty busy with just a few openings left, so if you want some pictures this year, please contact me as soon as you can. I look forward to seeing everyone this fall!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fall Photography... schedule now!

Hello One and All...

Well, Christy Davis Photography has big news that is going to affect our fall photography this year! My husband and I are proud to announce we will be welcoming a sweet little baby boy into our family this December. He's due on Christmas day, which means two things: 1. I've got to get my Christmas shopping done early this year and 2. I'm going to be one tired little mama this fall. (check him out!!!!)

In previous years, I was easily taking 7 sessions in a weekend... but this year, I'm cutting it down to half! That means, you gotta schedule your appointment early this year! I have to cut back or else I'll be showing up to your appointment with my husband pulling me around in a wagon! LOL... he offered, but I respectfully declined!

So, in an attempt to keep myself from the "wagon", I'm setting up mini-sessions early this year. I have one weekend in September, October and November set aside for my Mini-session regulars and any newbies. The dates are as follows:

September 17, which will be taken at the Train Depot

October 22, Kathryn Albertson

and November 5th, again at Kathryn Albertson.

If you want to schedule a regular session, please let me know as soon as you can. The sooner the better. The sooner I know, the less likely I'll be slammed the last few weekends. I wanted to let everyone know early enough so I don't have to turn anyone down. My last available time for photos will be November 19th, and then I'll be done for the year. I won't be taking any towards the end of November or in December.

Thanks for being so understanding! If you have any questions, or if you want to schedule an appointment, please contact me at or call/text me at 208-922-8070.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Miss Idaho Photos

Miss Idaho is about to take place and I was super lucky to have taken photos of three seriously gorgeous girls! You can see their headshot they submitted to Miss Idaho at

First is my "Original" Meg. I met her last fall and we took awesome photos of her. If you don't believe me, check out my website under the "faces" category. Meg has a vibrant spirit. I just adore her. She's so outgoing and thoughtful. She sent me a thank you card after our session, that's how nice she is! Meg has such a glow about her and it was awesome to see her win Miss Boise. She's a natural up there and she just really shines. If you haven't noticed, Meg dramatically cut her hair. It was hilarious... she called me and said she really wanted to cut her hair, but wouldn't do it unless I could take her photos. She would need an updated photo for the judges. I've never felt so important! LOL... Seriously! So... we met up and took some more awesome headshots. Meg is the reason why I carry a mirror and comb in my purse now... Every frame we took, she had to check herself out first. I think that's why those photos turned out so gorgeous. I just LOVE LOvE lOvE Meg!

Second is Shannon. Shannon is so beautiful!!! Shannon is Meg's little sister and believe it or not, they're running against each other in the Miss Idaho Pageant. They just love each other too... We were able to take some photos of Shannon, then add Meg to some. They turned out ADORABLE! I just love them!!! Shannon is a little more laid back than Meg, especially with the mirror and comb thing, but they are so much alike! Shannon also gradated this year, so we took a few senior photos too. Shannon won Miss Ada County. I wasn't able to go to that pageant, but I'm sure she rocked it!

Last is Laura. Laura is Miss Nampa. I think she's so incredibly pretty. She just has something so striking about her look. We had such a good time taking her photos, but you wouldn't believe how cold it was. Oh... and the wind... it was horrible! We'd have to wait for the wind to settle down, then hurry and snap as many photos as I could (which if you know me, and my photography style, you know that's not hard for me! Ha!). Laura was a trooper though. She changed her clothes several times and I just felt for her. She had crazy goosebumps, but kept posing all she could! I think we took some great photos!!!!

Good luck girls! I'll be there rooting you on!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Easter Dresses and Big Brothers

I met up with the Wood family at the Train Depot. These two kiddos were awesome to take photos of. They had so much spunk. They had so much fun running around! I love that! I love being able to bring out real personality in photos and I think I nailed it with these two! I love the Easter Dress too! So adorable!!!

It's a Small World

This is the Kluksdals. I met them through an attorney I work with. They have two adorable little girls and they were just awesome to work with. Their three year old Bailey... She's so funny! I had her "pop her hip" and look how adorable she looks! I thought she was hilarious! It didn't take long for her to warm up to me! LOL... Too awesome!!!!

So after we sent the Kluksdals their photos, Kellie and I became friends on Facebook. She saw my profile photo which is a photo of my hubby and me and come to find out, she knew my husband in High School. They totally graduated together and everything. He edited their photos and didn't even recognize her due to a hair color change. I thought that was so funny! Dave is usually very observant, so I thought it was hilarious he didn't recognize her. When I mentioned it to him, he said, "I knew she looked familiar! Her hair threw me off!"... LOL... It's such a small world!!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Senior Love

Lately, I've taken a lot of senior photos. I think senior photos are some of my favorite kinds of photos to take. Seniors are so adventurous and spunky! Two most awesome things needed to make an incredible photo.
First, Here's Chenise. Can I say GORGEOUS?!!! I about melted when I saw her big brown eyes! They're so pretty, and that flawless hair of hers... I'm telling you... it was such a pleasure to take her photo! We met at her house out in Marsing. Her family has super awesome places to take photos... which I love cause it mixes things up. We had a great time and I hope and PRAY Chenise loves her photos as much as I do!
Next, here's Andrea! Andrea is another super cute girl I was able to take photos of. She was totally up for adventure. She was up for anything and that makes it so fun! We had a great time down town Boise and train depot. I loved her outfit changes and Andrea really brought her A-game to our session! We had a blast!
Last is Shelby. I had the pleasure of taking Shelby's family photos a little while back so I knew it was going to be a fun shoot. Shelby is a super sweet girl. She was so awesome to work with and she really knew how to pose. I love that! We had a good time and I think her photos turned out so fun! I think you can really see her personality come out in them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Two Cute Boys

My awesome friend Michelle from work asked me to take some photos of her two little guys. Collin is the big brother to little Louie. Both are smashingly handsome little guys. We met up at the Train Depot and took some fun photos. This is my second time taking their photos. Louie was MUCH smaller then, I can't believe how much he's grown. I sure do adore that smile. And Collin was a hoot while he played with that Tonka truck. Such cute brothers.

Lets just talk about how they are styled so PERFECTLY. Michelle, their mom has amazing taste. She cracks me up. Those boys were in some serious layers and they were looking good. I mean, who knew you could accessorize boys. I love it! I need her to come to all my shoots with me and make all the little boys I take pictures of look like little Ralph Loren models. Michelle, you've got some serious taste!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Match Made in Heaven

Just recently my husband and I took my in-laws to the Provo MTC. They're serving a couple's mission in Spain. We are so happy for them! While down in Provo, I was FINALLY able to meet some of my husband's nephews and nieces. They weren't all at our wedding and as long as I've known Dave, we just never got the chance to meet. Weird, huh? Since we were down in the Salt Lake area, we made it happen!

This is Kyle, Dave's nephew and Kyle's fiancé Rachel. Kyle and Rachel were AWESOME! In fact, I want them to be our new best friends! I loved hanging out with them. We had such a great time and we able to really get to know each other. It was great! Kyle and Rachel are getting married in June and since we were down, they put us to work! They are such a gorgeous couple and I feel so lucky to have them!!!

Congratulations Kyle and Rachel!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photo Swap

It's been forever since I've updated this puppy! It's about time, right?!

This is a recent photography outing my husband and I did with some friends of ours. Tiffanie is also a photographer, she does great work and I wanted some updated photos of Dave and I, post wedding. I was in luck because Tiffanie wanted photos too, so we did a swap! We had so much fun and Tiffanie showed us an awesome new spot downtown. I'm so excited! It was so much fun trying different things out on each other. I think its a great way to learn new techniques and a great way to get inspired. Tiffanie and Byron were awesome to photograph. They're both so dang awesome and easy going, not to mention totally good looking! Their kids are just as dang cute as they are too!

After we took pictures we went to dinner and had such an awesome evening out! I'm so glad to call them our friends. They made us laugh all night and we had such a good time with them.

Enjoy some awesome photos!